NetZero 2023: 1st Workshop on NetZero Carbon Computing

Co-located with the 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-29)

The Technical program is now available!

A PDF call for papers is now available.

The large and growing societal need for compute has resulted in a large and growing carbon footprint, both from deployed devices' energy demands as well as the manufacturing and disposal of devices throughout their lifetime.

Netzero carbon computing is the goal to build large computing systems from edge/IoT to large scale data centers such that their total carbon generation is net zero. This involves the use of renewable energy sources, methods for computing to offset carbon generation in other areas, as well as full life-cycle study and mitigation of carbon throughout the system lifecycle. It may involve creative reuse of existing silicon devices as well as methods to build new ways to do computing that rely less on carbon emission. Of special interest are ways to change the computing mindset from innovation for the sake of innovation to conservation and targeted use of computing for solving important challenges of society. Considering the tradeoff of specialized computing versus general purpose computing for different problem areas is of interest.

Netzero carbon is considered to be a sumtotal of zero carbon among embodied operational, recycling, and disposal stages of the computing and development lifecycle. Netzero proposals and approaches for other environmental impacts are also welcome.

Topics relevant to this workshop include:

Updates and news


To register for the NetZero workshop that is part of HPCA, please visit the HPCA registration portal

Technical program

The call for papers is available at this URL.

The program is available at this URL

Key Dates and locations

Call for talks/papers

We are soliciting talks that report on research results, ongoing work, new results, cutting edge ideas, and other talks that will result in lively debate and discussion. Those wishing to participate should submit a short abstract, no longer than 2 pages, including figures and tables.

Talk proposal abstracts should be submitted as PDF files via the web submission form.

Full versions of accepted talks will be required after the workshop, and will ultimately published on the conference website, along with slides of the presentation, video of the talk, and in some cases a summary of the discussion.

This workshop will adhere to the USENIX code of conduct and diversity and inclusion guidelines.


Abstract submission site

The abstract registration website is now available.

Keep the conversation going by joining our mailing list!

We have created an opt-in mailing list that we will add you to if you’d like to stay connected with other workshop participants. Sign up using this Google form. Thank you!

Contact / Questions

If you have questions or comments, please email us at

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